28 Mart 2021 Pazar

Readymade Foods Seminar

 We Have Chemistry at Home - We held the second online seminar of our eTwinning project "Prepared Foods and Additives". Food Engineer Şeyma Hakalmaz gave the seminar.

In the seminar;

1. We started the online seminar with the promotional video of the project we prepared with FLIXPRESS. Then we introduced the speaker.

2. We used the "Mentimeter" application to create a word cloud with the words that come to mind when talking about ready-made foods.

Questions asked after the 3rd presentation were answered by Şeyma HAKALMAZ.

4. We applied an online exam using the "QUIZIZ" application to see what we learned from the seminar. We gave the certificate of achievement to our student who came first in the competition with the "POSTERMYWALL" application.

To show our gratitude to Şeyma HAKALMAZ, who gave the 5th seminar, we prepared a certificate of appreciation with POSTERMYWALL and presented it on behalf of our project.

6. At the end of the seminar, the participants immediately received the certificate we prepared with the Flippity application by answering the questions correctly.

Our 7th seminar was full and very productive. First of all, we would like to thank Şeyma HAKALMAZ and everyone who contributed.

1 yorum:

National Quality Label

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